Aurora Levins Morales, effective struggle against sexism and racism


How can women integrate their struggles against sexism and racism? Latina feminist historian Aurora Morales draws vibrant connections between the colonization of whole nations; feminism; the health of the mountainsides; and the abuse of individual women, children and men. She offers the paradigm of integrity as a political model to all of us who hunger for a world of justice, health and love. It's possible, and within our reach!

Learn more about Aurora Levins Morales: and she recommends these folks too,

Create true love in a romantic relationship


Most of us have not been taught how to attract and create an expansive, intimate, romantic relationship with someone who absolutely adores us…until NOW!

Maryanne joined the world’s top love experts and thought leaders in The Ivy League Love Academy 2, put on by Sandra Fidelis, and you can listen to her interview here.


The Ivy League Love Academy 2 is for you if you’re ever experienced:

  • Unavailable partners
  • Feeling like you’re not a priority or valued by your partners
  • Attracting men who are not interested in commitment
  • Not interested in or attracted to men who show you lots of interest
  • Attracting partners who don’t treat you well
  • Feeling unworthy of the relationship of your dreams
  • Feeling tired of dating people who aren’t a good match and ready to give up on love

Grab your beverage of choice, sit back, and get tips on making 2015 the year you create the amazing romantic relationship you know deep down awaits you!

Meg Losey, The Children of Now: How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and All of Humanity


We have an unprecedented generation of children who are natural healers, hypersensitive in some ways and desensitized in others, able to see things their parents cannot. Meg Losey joins us to discuss what they have to offer and gives us concrete information so we can understand what these kids need and how to help them function and flourish.

Learn more about Meg Losey:

Dr. Sandeep Grewal, Fat-Me-Not: Weight Loss Diet of The Future


Did you know that strenuous exercise is not crucial to losing weight? That current weight loss techniques and products in the market reflect the knowledge and research of the 1960s? Since then, the science of obesity and weight loss has progressed in leaps and bounds.

Join Dr. Sandeep Grewal for simplified, fun ways to successfully lose weight and keep it off. Why try to lose weight the old way when powerful new research can make it easier, simpler, and safer for you to shed that fat?

Learn more about Dr. Sandeep Grewal:

Micheline Nader, The Dolphin's Dance: Discover Your True Self Through A Powerful 5-Step Journey Into Conscious Awareness


Feel like a part of you is lost—as if you’re searching for yourself? Ever say or do things that you later regret, wondering, “Where did that come from?” Many of us feel out of touch with our own deeper drives and motivations, unaware of what is causing us to do the things we do—until it’s too late.

Micheline Nader shares her carefully constructed process for shedding light on, increasing awareness of, and reclaiming lost parts of the self.

Learn more about Micheline Nader:

Wendy Treynor, The Gift of Cancer: Turn Your Tragedy into a Treasure Map to Happiness


After a bullying experience, Dr. Wendy Treynor, Ph.D., set out to solve the mystery of “why people can be happy making others unhappy.”

During graduate school, she discovered a 3-step process she calls the identity shift effect, which explains why people compromise their integrity under social pressure without meaning to. When she got a cancer diagnosis, she used the lens of her own research to heal herself emotionally, spiritually, and socially. Listen in for a brand new, cutting-edge understanding of self-love versus socially-induced self-doubt, and how you can attain the love, freedom, and happiness you seek.

Learn more about Wendy Treynor:

Stephen Hupp, Great Myths of Child Development


Moms have to bond with their newborns very soon or it won’t happen; showing cognitively simulating videos to babies boosts their intelligence; and all kids go through the “terrible twos.” Not true!

Join psychologist Stephen Hupp today as we explore the latest evidence-based science behind the myths and misconceptions about the developing child. Spanking, imaginary friends, topics demystified here!

Learn more about Stephen Hupp:

Francine Vale, Song of the Heart: Walking the Path of Light


With life’s everyday challenges and all the trauma occurring around the world, it’s easy to get lost in the negativity and forget all that we do have.

Francine shares the story of how she came from broken-glass-strewn streets of the East Bronx to an astounding revelation of the Structure of All That Is and learned what she was meant to do: help others let go of fear and frustration and open their hearts to love and healing. Her tips offer guidance on how we can see through the darkness and be grateful, accept divine timing and feel renewed as a result. Listen in for some inspiring and thought-provoking tips on how to be thankful in the face of adversity.

Learn more about Francine Vale:

Mike Robbins, Nothing Changes Until You Do


How can people be more kind and loving towards themselves? Mike shares a few of the stories from his book ~ some funny, some touchingly vulnerable. Here, with humor, authenticity, and ease, Mike illustrates that with a little compassion and a healthy dose of self-acceptance, anyone can turn away from the negatives that manifest because of critical self-perception. Making peace with yourself can be easier than you dreamed possible!

Learn more about Mike Robbins:

Sue Frederick, Soulmate for the holidays


Before you find your soulmate you have to find out who you are, right? Honoring who we came here to be opens the door to allow our soul mate to stand beside us.

Intuitive counselor Sue Frederick joins Maryanne to give us a simple method of finding our own soul path, starting with your birthdate. Listen in as she gives several listeners their own soul paths, real-time! 

Audio Block
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Learn more about Sue Frederick:

Diana Lang, Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach


Scientific studies show what has long been known – meditation works. But how do you do it? Diana Lang offers a simple, non-threatening approach for starting and maintaining a meditation practice. She demonstrates that it is as simple as breathing ~ there is no mystery to it.

Her instruction goes to the core, avoiding the analytical theory, fixed rules, and intellectual razzmatazz that often intimidate would-be practitioners. Instead, she shows us how to reconnect with our foundational essence of soul and self, where peace and centeredness are always and everywhere available. “Meditation isn’t something that can only be done in an ashram,” says Diana, “or in a perfectly silent room; it is meant to be used in our lives right now.”

Learn more about Diana Lang:

Jeannine Wiest, The Alchemy of Self-Healing: A Revolutionary 30 Day Plan to Change How You Relate to Your Body and Health


Your body is “Instant Messaging” you all the time.

These messages contain a unique cellular treasure waiting to be accessed. The discovery that your body (not your mind) is listening to you will transform your life. Craniosacral therapist Jeannine Wiest will show you how to use the alchemy of self-healing to tap into your body wisdom. You'll find out how to

  • Transform old stories energetically lodged in your body that drain your well-being.
  • Reconnect with your body wisdom to access your creative resources.
  • Develop habits to navigate the cellular information your body communicates.
  • Respond to challenges with calm, focused energy.

Start the 30-day plan to health and joy today!

Learn more about Jeannine Wiest:

Janet Conner, Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine In You, Through You, and As You


You're hungry...but food, relationships, lovely things don't satisfy. Janet Conner says we are all hungry to realize the presence of the Divine in us, and she gives us soul vows to help us connect. She says, "These vows are the divine qualities your heart knows belong to you. They are your spiritual foundation.

In just a few words, they describe:

  • how you choose to walk this earth
  • how you live in authenticity and integrity
  • how you show up in all your relationships
  • how you partner with the Divine to create a whole and holy life

"They are a deeply personal mystical prayer. You do not just speak your soul vows, you become them, and as you do, you gather the living Presence of the Divine in you, through you, and as you."

Tune in for a Divine conversation!

Learn more about Janet Conner:


Asher Fox, Fat to Fearless: Enjoy Permanent Weight Loss and End Emotional Eating...For Good


Asher Fox weighed 300 lbs...and started one of the largest persona training business in Florida. Trying to find a permanent solution for himself and others, he created the most comprehensive arsenal of psychological tools assembled to date to overcome, convert and enroll the subconscious mind in the healing process.

Why Fearless? Because, Fox says, it is fear that lies at the heart of every fat emotional often unconscious fear that reinforces the desire to eat to avoid some aspect of pain. The key to permanently changing your body is changing your mind, healing your heart, and reprogramming your subconscious to live life as the thinner, happier and healthier person you were always meant to be.

Learn more about Asher Fox:  and www.theasherfoxshow

Suzanne McQueen, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks: Awakening the Power, Wisdom, & Beauty in Every Woman's Nature


Suzanne shares ancient feminine wisdom, associating the monthly reproductive cycle of a woman with the four seasons, moon phases, sacred geometry, and universal rhythms to create an easy-to-follow blueprint for living in optimal comfort and balance every day. She breaks down the 28 days of the female hormonal rhythm into four guided weeks, creating an easy daily practice for feeling great, enjoying sex, and making optimal decisions in health, business, athletics, and relationships.

Learn more about Suzanne McQueen:

Katie Silcox, Healthy, Happy, Sexy: Ayurveda Wisdom for Modern Women


A hip, sensual Ayurveda bible for the modern woman! Teacher and yoga instructor Katie Silcox shows us how to bring this ancient wisdom into our modern lives without sacrificing the occasional rendezvous with red wine, fashion magazines, and other sensual pleasures.

Healthy Happy Sexy offers not only a philosophy of life, but a thousand-year-old method for living your most radiant, healthy, and sexually vital life possible ~ a complete guide to women's health. Katie gives us methods to heal, entertain, and inspire.

Learn more about Katie Silcox:

Greg O'Brien, On Pluto: Inside the Mind of Alzheimer's


Alzheimer’s is a death in slow motion, like having a sliver of your brain shaved off every day. For more than ten years, writer Greg O’Brien has taken detailed notes as an embedded reporter inside the mind of Alzheimer’s, chronicling the progression of this demon of a disease. Working off a cognitive reserve, Greg offers an illuminating, naked blueprint of strategies, faith, and humor needed to fight this disease, a day-to-day focus on living with Alzheimer’s, not dying with it—a hope that all is not lost when it appears to be. 

Learn more about Greg O'Brien:

Boni Lonnsburry, The Map: To Our Responsive Universe, Where the Law of Attraction Means Dreams Really Do Come True!


By applying the Universal Law of Attraction to her own life, Boni transformed poverty, loneliness, and despair to abundance, love and joy. Her personal journey of self-discovery led Boni to develop a system that helped turn her “dream into a reality” both financially and emotionally. After hitting rock bottom in her forties, Boni spent decades mastering conscious creation and now she shares her system of self-discovery with us!

Learn more about Boni Lonnsburry:

Koorosh Ostowari, The Money Anxiety Cure: A Path to Financial Well-being


Uncertainty creates anxiety, and we are engaged in a modern collective anxiety known as “money anxiety disorder.” It can be triggered by events like fluctuations in the marketplace, job loss, employment instability, divorce, or even just struggling to stay on budget. But we don’t have to be at the mercy of it. We can learn to cope and resolve our panic. Koorosh Ostowari retired from a successful real estate career and teaches us how to integrate our spiritual and material lives. There is a cure for money anxiety disorder.

Learn more about Koorosh Ostowari:

Stacey Couch, Gracious Wild: A Shamanic Journey with Hawks


Journey into a vast and rich shamanic realm where creativity and inspiration reign. Join Stacey in an intimate exploration of what happens when one woman allows the wild messengers of nature to guide her. These winged guides wrap her mind in the mysteries they present, leading her to a richer, more fulfilling life. You'll learn how opening to spirit messages from animals can provide important and life-changing guidance.

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Learn more about Stacey Couch: