
Karlene Stange, The Spiritual Nature of Animals: A Country Vet Explores the Wisdom, Compassion, and Souls of Animals

Karlene Strange

Do animals have souls? Do we bond spiritually with them? How do you know your pet loves you?

Colorado country veterinarian Karlene Stange gives us the kernels of truth about the spirit, or anima, of animals from the perspective of each major religion and distills these into a very practical philosophy: "We must be grateful for the service and friendship animals provide, and celebrate their lives, honor loving memories, and have no regrets."

Vets in rural practice face especially difficult illnesses, physical conditions, and emotional trials, not like dog-and-cat vets who see their “patients” in sterile urban offices. Dr. Karlene Stange embraced these difficulties because her work led her to spiritual awareness and even bliss, despite the inevitable losses and horrors. She found that her experience was described in Jungian psychology: animals led her to her anima, her true inner self and what in Latin means “soul,” “breath,” and “life itself.”

Case examples from her practice illustrate Stange’s journey to understand the spiritual nature of the animal-human bond. This led her to Buddhist, Christian, Sufi, Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, and pagan teachings. Her evolved understanding offers us a unique interpretation of our love for animals, a compelling tour of spiritual traditions, and, ultimately, a healing and joyful engagement with the creatures with whom we share our planet.


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Learn more about Karlene Strange:

Janet Conner, Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine In You, Through You, and As You


You're hungry...but food, relationships, lovely things don't satisfy. Janet Conner says we are all hungry to realize the presence of the Divine in us, and she gives us soul vows to help us connect. She says, "These vows are the divine qualities your heart knows belong to you. They are your spiritual foundation.

In just a few words, they describe:

  • how you choose to walk this earth
  • how you live in authenticity and integrity
  • how you show up in all your relationships
  • how you partner with the Divine to create a whole and holy life

"They are a deeply personal mystical prayer. You do not just speak your soul vows, you become them, and as you do, you gather the living Presence of the Divine in you, through you, and as you."

Tune in for a Divine conversation!

Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine In You, Through You, and As You
Janet Conner

Learn more about Janet Conner:



Bill Wade, Secrets of Love


What if there were simply a secret that we didn’t know, and once that secret was revealed to us, the doors of unconditional love, joy, and fulfillment, would swing wide open to us? Secrets of Love explores the mind, body, and soul of love, as it reveals these wisdom teachings of ancient and contemporary masters such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, John Gray, and seventeen other experts on love, including Maryanne. Listen in on some secrets here! “The satisfaction of the years of effort has come when I hear people talking about their experience after watching the program, expressing their feeling that the walls in their heart were melting, they were opening to new understanding and seeing love in new ways, and other things like that,” says Bill.

Secrets of Love
Bill Wade

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