My Favorite Books on Relationships

Looking for some wisdom and inspiration to help you navigate your relationships? Look no further. These are my all time favorite books on relationships that I recommend again and again.


Attached, Amir Levine and Rachel Heller

Levine and Heller explain that we are wired to need each other and offers us a way to understand our particular attachment style in layman's terms. Great salve for intimate relationships.



Synchronicity, Joseph Jaworski

I love love stories, especially with a spiritual bent! I have never met a man who read it who didn’t love this book too :) Offers hope in this political climate.



Many Masters, Many Lives, Dr. Brian Weiss

Think you’ve been here before, you probably have. Imagine how exploring you past lives could help you find your soulmate and you have some idea of the profundity of this story!


Heartbreak, Ginette Paris

Best book to read if you truly want to heal a broken heart and not repeat the same pattern over again the next time!



The Chalice and the Blade, Riane Eisler  

Riane Eisler is one of my heroines. She helps redefine our cultural paradigm of relationship. Anything she writes will help you have better relationships, starting with yourself!

Also check out The Power of Partnership: Seven Relationships that Will Change Your Life by Eisler. And listen to Riane on Women, Violence, and Injustice: From Domination to Partnership August 20-24 in the Shift Network's free online event "Thriving in Your Third Act: Women Finding Fire and Fulfillment After 50."


The Second Sex, Simone De Beauvoir

You cannot escape the patriarchal influences when it comes to relationship. Understanding the feminine is a MUST when endeavoring to experience intimacy and partnership today! Beauvoir risked her life to help pave the way for us to have great relationships!


Intellectual Foreplay, Eve Hogan

Eve is one of those amazing Masters who lives what she teaches. If you have a marriage worth saving, she will help you save it!  



Wired For Love, Stan Tatkin

A groundbreaking approach to navigating modern relationship pitfalls! User-friendly GALORE!



Drama of the Gifted Child, Alice Miller

Miller has profoundly influenced my relationship philosophy. Respect, Trust and being an Enlightened Witness are ingredients every child and adult needs to form a healthy, fulfilling relationship. A book every parent or partner should read!



The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose, Richard Rudd

Synthesizes Astrology, I Ching, and the Kabbalah to help you find your hidden destiny. While reading this book you may keep in mind; If we don't know and love who we are, why would we expect others to? Rudd has answers. Like I always say, great relationships begin within!