My Favorite Books for Your Spirit and Soul

Looking for some wisdom and inspiration to for the care, feeding and healing of your soul? Look no further. These are my all-time favorite books on spirit and soul development that I recommend again and again.



Women Who Run With The Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estes

This book is perfect when you feel you are disconnected and don't know why, helping you find your way back “home.”




I Am That, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

This profound compilation of teachings helps guide you beyond your thinking mind, to who you really are!



Care of The Soul, Thomas Moore

A brilliant work about how to create a more deeply meaningful life.




Find Your Soul's Purpose, Janet Conner

Conner’s book offers a practical way to cultivate the conditions for you to manifest your heart's desires.




Trauma and the Soul, Donald Kalsched  

I love this book because it offers a map for understanding developmental trauma and offers a soul-centered approach to working through and healing from it.



Dream tending, Stephen Aizenstat

Aizenstat helps you develop a reliable interpretation of your dreams that is creative, interactive, and transformational. I prefer his method above most others.


Maps To Ecstasy, Gabrielle Roth

One of my all-time favorite books! Roth offers you a way to feel, heal, and deal with complex human experiences and emotions using ecstatic dance.




The Wizard of Us, Jean Houston

Take a journey through your inherited archetypal landscape and learn how to change the course of your life from the inside out.



The Watchman’s Rattle, Rebecca Costa

This book is brilliant! Rebecca gives you an expanded view of our humanity, where we've come from, and where we are headed. You will not see yourself or the world the same way when you put it down!



The Hope, Andrew Harvey

I have given this book to everyone I know! It is deep, soulful and real! It makes you a better person just by reading it.



Bring Me The Rhinoceros, John Tarrant

Tarrant is a Zen Master who has achieved the ultimate,  transforming spiritual metaphor into practical wisdom. You will carry it with you!