Steve Sisgold, Whole Body Intelligence: Get out of your head and into your body


Do you sometimes clench your jaw during a tense conversation? Do your shoulders crawl up under your earlobes regularly? Steve teaches you how to interpret subtle body sensations, linking them to negative thoughts and behaviors that are impeding your success and happiness.

Using Steve's tips and techniques, you'll learn how to recognize the patterns and imprints that have shaped your experiences and how to change them. Channel the power of your body to achieve your wildest dreams! 

Whole Body Intelligence: Get out of your head and into your body
Steve Sisgold

Learn more about Steve Sisgold:



Carolyn Hobbs, Free Yourself: Ten Life-Changing Powers of Your Wise Heart


Discover your capacity to overcome obstacles and find unlimited joy. Our heart already is who we want to be in the world—trusting, curious, aware, resourceful, compassionate, kind, grateful, forgiving, truthful, and peaceful. If we manage to listen deeply, we can access these traits and the strengths they bring.

Therapist Carolyn Hobbs draws from her years of counseling experience and her spiritual practice to give us clear tools we can use to find freedom and inner peace—to tame anxiety, anger, grief, and despair while awakening fearless love. All we have to do is listen to our wise hearts. 

Free Yourself: Ten Life-Changing Powers of Your Wise Heart
Carolyn Hobbs

Learn more about Carolyn Hobbs:


Dr. Craig Malkin, Rethinking Narcissism: The bad—and surprising good—about feeling special


“What is Narcissism?” Seems like it’s bad.

Dr. Craig Malkin offers a radically new model for understanding that it’s a spectrum of self-importance—and everyone falls somewhere on the scale between utter selflessness and total arrogance. He explains why embracing the drive to feel special is essential to maintaining a healthy sense of self-worth. He’ll help you avoid the temptations and dangers of extreme narcissism—and narcissists—in both the real world and cyberspace.

Everyone, including people who don’t feel special enough, can find their voices and live more passionate, fulfilling lives! Find out how much of a narcissist you really are with his revealing test:

Rethinking Narcissism: The bad—and surprising good—about feeling special
Dr. Craig Malkin

Learn more about Dr. Craig Malkin:




Karen Tate, Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to Re-Shape Our World


Most of us have come to realize that a male-dominated society revering solely a male God is not working for Mother Earth...or most of the people on the planet.

What happened to the sacred feminine? How do we counter belief that there is no option but the authoritarian father? How do ideas that permeate every level of society from womb to tomb, boardroom to bedroom, voting booth to the workplace shift into a more fair, equal, just, feminine world of partnership, sharing, caring and peace?

Rev. Dr. Karen Tate helps us imagine it, vision it, and restore ancient truths, with solutions from visionaries, scholars, way-showers, foremothers, and activists—women and men—dedicated to reshaping our world. 

Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to Re-Shape Our World
Karen Tate

Learn more about Karen Tate:



Laura Fenamore, Skinny, Fat, Perfect: Love Who You See in the Mirror


If you don't always love who you see in the mirror, tune in for Laura Fenamore's perspective! She released 100 pounds permanently, and overcame the self-loathing and addiction that dominated her life.

Not a diet or an exercise regime, she'll share her tips for returning to self-love, healing old wounds, and being happy in your body at any size or age, fat or not. It’s time to abandon the popular fear-based and fight-oriented diet paradigm, and instead see how accepting ourselves and our bodies will lead to natural, healthy, and sustainable weight. Laura shares the techniques she uses to help her students break free of the diet mentality, release weight healthily, and see themselves in a new, loving light, for good.

Skinny, Fat, Perfect: Love Who You See in the Mirror
Laura Fenamore

Learn more about Laura Fenamore:, and you can go to for gifts!




Lauren Urasek, The Ups and Downs of Online Dating from the Most Popular Girl in New York City


Tried online dating...or scared to? With more than 15,000 4- and 5-star ratings, an average of 35 messages per day, and hundreds of thousands of profile views from interested suitors, Lauren Urasek was dubbed the most sought-after woman in the city by New York mag.

She'll dish about the ups and downs of dating in the city that never sleeps. She's run the gamut of the nominally "single and ready to mingle" males of New York City, from dudes who went in for a kiss within the first ten minutes to one who conducted an impromptu “girlfriend job interview.” You'll hear some real talk about what works—and what doesn't.

The Ups and Downs of Online Dating from the Most Popular Girl in New York City
Lauren Urasek

Learn more about Lauren Urasek:



Renee Mollan-Masters, You are Smarter than You Think!


Ever wondered if you were "stupid" because you were unable to keep up in school or compete with others in learning situations?

Renee uses research-based methods to transform any learning situation to one that worked for over 100,000 students, and will work for you! She goes to the heart of what people feel about themselves and straight to the learning mind. That nagging little doubt, I am not very smart, will disappear, as you learn that you really are smarter than you think...and find your own ways of being intelligent.

You are Smarter than You Think!
Renee Mollen-Masters

Learn more about Renee Mollan-Masters:



People First! Nick Hansen & Deepak Kumar giving kids a chance in India


 A small child sat on old sacking with a few school books outside his government village school waiting for a teacher who never came...Deepak Kumar and Nick Hansen were moved to start a simple school in 1992 in the village of Piani in Jharkhand, India, in 1992. People First was born. Now employing over 70 people (nearly all service providers), the Trust places local people in charge of their own lives. Get inspired to make a difference here!

People First! Giving kids a chance in India
Nick Hansen and Deepak Kuman

Learn more about People First:


Janet Roseman & then Margaret Cahill, two wise and real women on healing with cancer

Janet Roseman

Janet Roseman

Margaret Cahill

Margaret Cahill

Two women who have had intimate experiences with cancer share their insights and inspiration here. 

Janet Roseman's book is If Joan of Arc had Cancer, and she sees Joan, the fourteenth-century teenager who led the armies of France before facing the Inquisition, as an icon of feminine courage and faith: what we need when we face a diagnosis of cancer or any life-threatening disease. Drawing directly from the words Joan spoke at her trial, Janet presents thirty-one Flames of Courage and thirty-one Gateways to resurrect inner fortitude and create an environment for healing. Her approach encompasses body, mind, and spirit and will help you access and reclaim your personal power to find healing and peace in your journey.        

Margaret Cahill blogged her way through mantle cell lymphoma, sharing the good and bad days as she slowly turned the tide against her internal foe. Diagnosed in 2012, the author resorted to a blog to keep in touch with friends, and unwittingly ended up writing about the good, the bad, and the ugly side of cancer. Is there a good? Very possibly. Bad and ugly, definitely. There is also an extremely funny side - wry observations that bring humor into an otherwise bleak landscape which included chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. She’ll share advice on nutrition and alternative therapies from her book, Under Cover of Darkness, an invaluable source of information for cancer patients and their carers.

Two wise and real women on healing with cancer
Janet Roseman and Margaet Cahill

Learn more: twitter Janet Lynn Roseman@dancejan      Blog

Jane Ely, Coming into Balance: A Guide for Activating Your True Potential


What do you do when your life is out of whack and nothing seems to work? How do you bring back perspective and understanding and come back into balance?

Master healer and author Dr. Jane Ely shares spiritual healing practices based upon the timeless universal wisdom of the Medicine Wheel. She offers insights and inspiration for personal and global transformation. We learn to activate the insightful healer within to free ourselves from the old story that keeps us stuck in the past; we are led into self-discovery and a keener sense of awakened consciousness.

Coming into Balance: A Guide for Activating Your True Potential
Jane Ely

Learn more about Jane Ely: and



Eldon Taylor, Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will


A silent battle is raging for the territory of your mind. The weapons are so covert that most of us have remained unaware of them. Our very decision processes are being managed and manipulated, and the quest for discovering our real selves is becoming exponentially more difficult. 

Eldon Taylor lays bare the current uses of many sophisticated techniques, and reveals how we can keep others from puppeting our thoughts and reclaim our free will. It's time for the 99% to get up, get together, reunite, and speak up, responding wisely, acting without reacting. It's a cosmic dare to reclaim our conscience and free ourselves from the tyranny of fear and greed that has led to narcissistic neediness. We can fuse consciousness and competence and come together to ignite a resolution of compassion, liberty, and justice! 

Gotcha! The Subordination of Free Will
Eldon Taylor

Learn more about Eldon Taylor:


Alka Dhillon, The OM Factor: A Woman's Spiritual Guide to Leadership


How can successful women balance seemingly conflicting interests: ambition to pursue demanding careers, dedication to home and family, desire for intellectual self-improvement, and yearning for fulfillment of emotional and spiritual needs?

CEO Alka Dhillon brings us seven "plug-and-play" tools designed to quickly deliver effective results in emotionally challenging situations. Then she'll talk about ways to cultivate seven important traits to achieve spiritual evolution, supported by corresponding yoga poses. Internal fulfillment plus successful leadership that empowers everybody!

The OM Factor: A Woman's Spiritual Guide to Leadership
Alka Dhillon

Learn more about Alka Dhillon:




Michelle Gielan, Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change


We are all constantly broadcasting information, even if we don’t say a word, and those messages shape others’ views of the world. Our words can move other people from a fear-based mindset in which they see obstacles as insurmountable, to a positive mindset where they see that change is possible, get unstuck, and take action. 

Using scientifically proven communication strategies to ripple out positive change to others, we increase their happiness and success at work, as well as our own, instantly making us more effective leaders. Michelle shares new research from the fields of positive psychology and neuroscience to show how, with simple communication habits that often take just a couple of minutes a day, you can ripple out positive change to others and create an upward spiral of success.

Broadcasting Happiness: The Science of Igniting and Sustaining Positive Change
Michelle Gielan

Learn more about Michelle Gielan


Susan Shumsky: Awaken Your Third Eye: How Accessing Your Sixth Sense Can Help You Find Knowledge, Illumination, and Intuition.


It's not only Indian gods who have third eyes; Susan will share a meditation to help you access your own intuitive 6th sense of wisdom and illumination. Her technique, Divine Revelation®, is a unique, field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. She'll tell fascinating, inspirational true stories that can help you find your connection to the Divine.

Awaken Your Third Eye: How Accessing Your Sixth Sense Can Help You Find Knowledge, Illumination, and
Susan Shumsky

Learn more about Susan Shumsky:


Polly Higgins, I Dare You to be Great


What are the patterns of harm playing out in our own lives that stop us from daring to be great?

World-renowned barrister and author Polly Higgins proposed to the United Nations in 2010 that "ecocide" - the extensive damage or loss of the ecosystem of a given territory - be made a legally recognized crime. Polly realizes that great change, and thereby greatness, begins with the individual self, and that before we can break the cycles of environmental harm playing out across the world, each one of us must break our own personal ecocides. 

Tune in for Polly’s rousing call to arms for all of mankind to join her in one giant leap towards greatness. Join her in collective positive action to save ourselves and the environment!

I Dare You to be Great
Polly Higgins

Learn more about Polly Higgins:


Kim Schneiderman, Step Out of Your Story


From the day we’re born, we become the spin-doctor of our own life story with turning points, plot twists, cliffhangers, conflicts, and life lessons. Yet, few of us take time to figure out what our story is about, who is writing our script, or why we’ve selected our chosen roles.

Psychotherapist and freelance journalist Kim Schneiderman shares research-inspired methods to help us become the star of our own story.

Step Out of Your Story
Kim Schneiderman

Susan Pinker, The Village Effect: How face-to-face contact can make us healthier, happier, and smarter


We are so wired in technologically, why are many of us so lonely? We are hard-wired to connect to other human beings, and face-to-face contact matters: tight bonds of friendship and love heal us, help children learn, extend our lives and make us happy. Looser in-person bonds matter, too, combining with our close relationships to form a personal “village.”

Marrying the findings of the new field of social neuroscience with gripping human stories, Susan explores the impact of face-to-face contact from cradle to grave, challenging many of our assumptions and showing us new ways to thrive.

The Village Effect: How face-to-face contact can make us healthier, happier, and smarter
Susan Pinker

Learn more about Susan Pinker:


Marie D. Jones, Viral Mythology: How the Truth of the Ancients was Encoded and Passed Down through Legend, Art, and Architecture


Behind every myth, fairy tale, and legend--hidden within the art, song, and structures of ancient times--is an encoded layer of wisdom, science, and truth passed down throughout history. Information went "viral" long before the Internet, and served as the foundation for mythology, sacred architecture, and symbolic imagery throughout the ancient world. Uncover the information highway of the past, and explore how it affects the more modern methods of communication today. What will become our tomorrow's mythology? 

Viral Mythology: How the Truth of the Ancients was Encoded and Passed Down through Legend, Art, and
Marie D. Jones

Learn more about Marie D. Jones:


Marc Allen, Tantra for the West: A Direct Path to Living the Life of Your Dreams


Tantra = mystical sex? New World Library publisher and author Marc Allen has been practicing tantra over 30 years, and he joins Maryanne here to illuminate this ancient tradition. Tantric awareness embraces everything, rejects nothing, and emphasizes the present moment. It addresses the whole of life — work, money, creativity, food and drink, solitude, meditation, healing and aging, freedom, enlightenment, and, yes, sex and relationships.

“Tantra is wide open, with infinite possibilities — like life is, and like you are,” writes Marc. “Every moment is either something to enjoy and celebrate or something to be used as a teaching, a piece of valuable instruction, a message from the Universe for you.”

Tantra for the West: A Direct Path to Living the Life of Your Dreams
Marc Alley

Learn more about Marc Allen:


Jaime Kulaga, SuperWoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment--The Over-Worked, Over-Tired, Stressed-Out Woman's Manual for Relief


What woman today doesn't feel over-worked, over-tired, stressed-out? We aren't DOING ENOUGH, we are lost to ourselves, awash in commitments that never allow for our own moments of self-care, personal enjoyment and individual reward. As Dr. Jaime Kulaga puts it, we are on the Ferris Wheel that keeps us stuck going round and round. Listen up to find balance between life and work and be personally fulfilled. Create a lifestyle that works for you instead of against you. 

SuperWoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment--The Over-Worked, Over-Tired, Stressed-Out Woman's Manual fo
Jaime Kulaga

Learn more about Jaime Kulaga:
