Mei Ling Hopgood, How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm, and Other Adventures in Parenting Around the World


How can you be the best possible parent? Mei-Ling Hopgood, a first-time mom from suburban Michigan—now living in Buenos Aires—was shocked that Argentine parents allow their children to stay up until all hours of the night. Could there really be social and developmental advantages to this custom?

The Chinese excel at potty training, teaching their wee ones as young as six months old. Kenyans wear their babies in colorful cloth slings—not only is it part of their cultural heritage, but strollers seem outright silly on Nairobi’s chaotic sidewalks. And the French are experts at turning their babies into healthy, adventurous eaters. Learn some of the many ways of parenting, from bizarre to questionable to why-didn't-we-think-of-that, to be a good parent!

Learn more about Mei Ling Hopgood:

Matthew Edlund, Striving to Stay Healthy Without Insurance


Do you know that the effect of milkshakes on our brains is similar to that of cocaine? That walking grows memory storage?  Dr. Matthew Edlund noticed that in most of the world, most of us cannot count on affordable health care, so he figured out ways to keep ourselves healthy. Clue: Humans are hardwired to love music, dancing, and people. What do many of us do these days? Play video games. Here, Dr. Matthew explains his FAR (food, activity, rest) program that can keep you healthy the rest of your long life. Find out the best ways for you to protect yourself...for free!

Learn more about Matthew Edlund:

Martin Prechtel, Stealing Benefacio's Roses, befriending mythology


Rooted in an ancient mythology passed ritually on to him by a magical generation of Tzutujil Maya now gone, Martin reminds us that these kinds of stories, if forgotten, will be lived out in our daily lives, but can help us live consciously when they are remembered. Spiritual, poetic, practical, inspirational! "Gaspar Culán the younger did not believe the Sun was a God neither was the Earth a sky for another world beneath, nor was it alive at all."

Thus begins the beautifully narrated, romantic epic of Martín Prechtel’s search for the "deer-like look in a woman’s eye," and his dramatic getaway with his family against impossible odds during his last years in war-torn Guatemala. Martín Prechtel is a leading thinker, writer and teacher whose work hopes to promote the subtlety, irony and pre-modern vitality hidden in any living language; this is a provocative conversation.

Learn more about Martin Prechtel:

Mark Sundeen, The Man Who Quit Money


In their Power of We radio show, Maryanne Comaroto and David Raynal ask, "Is our belief in the present money system simply another religion?" Imagine a life without money, living off of what you can forage or catch for yourself to eat. “Freeganism” to the extreme--dumpster diving for grocery store castoffs, and receiving free supplies and support from friends and family. Giving freely with no expectation of return.

Daniel Suelo has been living that way for years, and author Mark Sundeen joins Maryanne and David to share some of the insights from this ordinary man who is living in the tradition of ancient monks. Suelo spends time with his friends and family, and is a respected member of his community. He chose to quit money after long consideration, and his deeply spiritual nature led him to study theology and reflect deeply over what it means to live a good and faithful life. Mark shares a combination of Daniel's practical tips and eye-opening ideas

Learn more about the man who quit money:

Mario Beauregard, Brain Wars: The Scientific Battle Over the Existence of the Mind and the Proof that Will Change the Way We Live Our Lives


Can we change our brains to create either depression or pleasure? Dr. Mario Beauregard cites recent research on Parkinson's patients with 80% nerve impairment, who, when given a placebo, produced their own dopamine and their symptoms lessened. How can we produce our own dopamine? Find out here!

Dr. Mario gives us solid scientific grounding for influencing what is happening in our brains. You can overcome your own negative self-image, live a happier life, and much more.

“The current assumption that the brain makes consciousness, like the liver makes bile, and that human consciousness is confined to the brain and body, can only be called neuromythology. History will show that this belief was one of the great misguided concepts in human history, like the flat earth. This belief will not endure because it is unscientific, and cannot account for how consciousness manifests in the world. Dr. Mario shows why.“—Larry Dossey, M.D. Author of Reinventing Medicine and The Power of Premonitions.

Learn more about Dr. Mario Beauregard:

Mali Apple & Joe Dunn, The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships!


On a quest for your soulmate? Looking for deeper connection in the relationship you have right now? Mali and Joe guide and inspire you to: Free yourself from anxiety, loneliness, doubt, and resentment. Treat yourself with more acceptance, love, and compassion. Approach even the most challenging aspects of relationships—like expectations, conflict, and jealousy—in ways that actually increase love and intimacy. Keep the excitement, passion, and connection in your relationship fully alive.

Listen for life-changing ideas—and stories of real people putting them into practice—that will help you create your own soulmate experience: a relationship that is a continual source of love, inspiration, and joy.

Lynn Andrews, Coming Full Circle: Ancient Teachings for a Modern World


Are you living someone else's dream? Author, shaman, educator Lynn Andrews brings you ancient teachings to help you find your center of consciousness. She has gathered stories from the most profound teachings she has received over the years from the women of the Sisterhood of the Shield, members of an ancient shamanic society deeply embedded in native cultures and traditions all over the world.

In this time of fear and confusion, she shows how her teachers have led her--and by extension all of us--to confront her deepest fears and accept without hesitation that there is a spiritual solution to every one of life's problems. She leads us through an exercise to help our thoughts slow down and become peaceful, moving into harmony and a state of grace with the circle of life in the world around us. Deeply present, playful, honest, and yummy!

Learn more about Lynn Andrews:

Larry Dossey, The Power of Premonitions


Ever had premonitions ~ and had them come true? Distinguished physician Larry Dossey shares what happens when your consciousness operates outside the present moment and beyond the body. Decorated in Vietnam, then Chief of Staff at a large hospital, Dr. Dossey was unprepared for patients that had "miracle cures." Investigating them scientifically, he came to some startling conclusions.

In Recovering the Soul, he introduced the concept of "nonlocal mind"  mind unconfined to the brain and body, mind spread infinitely throughout space and time. Since then, "nonlocal mind" has been adopted by many leading scientists as an emerging image of consciousness. Dr. Dossey's ever-deepening explication of nonlocal mind provides a legitimate foundation for the merging of spirit and medicine. This conversation will amaze you.

Learn more about Larry Dossey:

Lierre Keith, The Vegetarian Myth


We’ve been told that a vegetarian diet can feed the hungry, honor the animals, and save the planet...and these days it's really tasty, too! Lierre tells Maryanne that in service to annual grains, humans have devastated prairies and forests, driven countless species extinct, altered the climate, and destroyed the topsoil--the basis of life itself. Keith argues that if we are to save this planet, our food must be an act of profound and abiding repair: it must come from inside living communities, not be imposed across them. Find out how you and the planet can stay healthy here!

Learn more about Lierre Keith:

Kathryn Tristan, Why Worry? Stop Coping and Start Living!


Why are so many of us anxious and stressed out, and what can we do about it? For many years, Kathryn Tristan lived a life riddled with worry and anxiety. She shares the ways she's found to recover permanently by doing things differently; working from the inside out using holistic strategies for the mind, body, and spirit. Did you know that 85% of everything you worry about never happens? 

Kathryn Tristan is a research scientist at Washington University School of Medicine, and a member of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, and she can tell you how to figure out which repetitive fear is justified. shows how to transform a chronically worried, anxiety-ridden life into one of peace and power using quick, effective, and easy strategies for mind, body and spirit. From-the-trenches wisdom by a compassionate scientist/writer who overcame these same problems herself.

Learn more about Kathryn Tristan:

Karen Sherman, Mindfulness and The Art of Choice: Transform Your Life.


Everyone comes from a dysfunctional family, it just depends on the degree and type. An alcoholic parent or a family who never expresses any emotion or over-controlling parents or.…

Dr. Karen Sherman, a psychologist who's been helping people identify, drop their baggage and move on (for 25 years now) so they can start living a life of freedom and joy, has put her years of experience into a book. She'll share how, with the art of mindfulness, you can: Feel better about yourself, warts and all. No longer repeat patterns in your life that aren't really getting you what you want. Be able to have a relationship that is calmer and more loving. Feel less angry about the people in your life. Be more open to seeing and appreciating the positive around you.

Once you identify, express, and finally respond to feelings that you've been carrying around since you were a kid, the hurt goes away and you'll be able to connect and have true intimacy.

Julia Scheeres, The Untold Story of Hope, Deception, and Survival at Jonestown


Why did ordinary people go to Jonestown? What makes us long for someone to tell us what to do? How do we override our own inner questions to go along with a regime we may be starting to distrust...and how do we break away? 

Writer Julia Scheeres felt that her background and experience at Christian Reform school helped her to better empathize with the victims of Jim Jones' infamous Jonestown massacre. When countless documents (including diaries of the victims and letters between Jones and his inner circle), video footage, audio clips and other journalistic tools were released by the FBI, Julia set to work researching Jim Jones and his followers. Tune in as Julia tells Maryanne stories from victims and survivors of this harrowing saga.

Learn more about Julia Scheeres: 

Julie Ross & Judy Corcoran, Joint Custody with a Jerk


Raising a Child with an Uncooperative Ex? Parenting is hard enough in a family where two parents love and respect each other.  After divorce, when respect has diminished and love has often turned to intense dislike, co-parenting can be nearly impossible, driving one or both parents to the brink of insanity. Julie and Judy offer many proven communication techniques that help you deal with your difficult ex-husband or ex-wife.

By outlining common custody problems and teaching tools to examine your own role in these sticky situations, this book conveys strategies for effective mediation that are easy to apply, sensible, timely and innovative.

Learn more about Julie Ross and Judy Corcoran:

Jason Selk, How to develop mental toughness


How can you cope with your overwhelming life? Jason has developed his program of Executive Toughness, a step-by-step plan that will guarantee to develop mental toughness and produce results in business and in life.

Here is the best news of all: this is something anyone can learn by doing his 100-Second Mental Workout every day. Make it part of your mental “DNA,” and there will be no turning back—ever. Here he coaches a listener who has a problem we can all relate to: How can we prioritize where to put our energy? He gives her, and us, small but profound changes that will improve our own capacity for greatness! He has a great 4-minute instructional video about the 100-Second Mental Workout; go to and click on the Executive Toughness book jacket to access this freebie.

Learn more about Jason Selk:

Jamal Joseph, Panther Baby: a life of rebellion and reinvention


One of the youngest Black Panthers to do hardcore jail time, Jamal Joseph is now a fine-arts professor at a Columbia, a school he once exhorted kids to burn down. This man shares about keeping your sense of enthusiasm and responsibility alive and shining, and making a real difference in the world. Listen to his life of rebellion and reinvention, and be inspired!

Jamal says, "Our young people must know that the true motivation for anything has to begin with love and that the right strategy for success includes service and dedication." Your dreams have no expiration date; go out, keep positive thoughts, and make it happen! 

Learn more about Jamal Joseph:  Here's one of several Youtube videos:


Jay Asher, The Future of Us


If you could see your future, how would you change it? Jay Asher, author of the bestselling Young Adult novel Thirteen Reasons Why, explores that theme in his new novel with Carolyn Mackler, The Future of Us. The year is 1996, when less than half of all American high school students have ever used the Internet. When Emma and her best friend Josh log on to AOL, they discover themselves on Facebook...fifteen years in the future.

Jay and Maryanne explore the idea of changing your destiny (if there is such a thing) without a magic computer. Jay and Carolyn have created an intelligent, sympathetic story to give us clues how to know what’s the right thing to do, when we don’t know how our actions might affect those around us. Are you living your life like you’re going to meet your future self?

Learn more about Jay Asher:

Jacqui Dunne, Rethinking Money


Award-winning international financial journalist Jacqui Dunne and monetary expert Bernard Lietaer wrote the book on how our present money system is obsolete, and how to revive it by creating complementary new currencies. Jacqui tells us how rethinking money can make it possible to enjoy not only a period of prosperity, but a new era of genuine sustainable abundance! Here, Jacqui lifts the veil on the mystery of money, tells us what it really is and why it causes so much trouble, and shows us how we can use new currencies to create a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous world. 

Jacqui Dunne on practical ways to prosper with alternative currencies


By popular demand, Maryanne invited Jacqui Dunne back to talk about how we can all rethink our relationship with money and prosper! With Bernard Lietaer, one of the most knowledgeable people in the world about money and financial systems, she wrote Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity. Here she opens our eyes to new ways of creating our own currencies, so we can move toward being a monetary democracy as well as a political democracy. More than 4,000 cooperative currencies are already working successfully throughout the world, used alongside federal dollars, and Jacqui tells us how we can create our own; a flourishing paradigm shift for a quadruple bottom-line of people, planet, profits and power within.

Learn more:

Henry Grayson, Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind


Why don't we do the things we know will heal us or keep us healthy? Dr. Grayson shows you how to eliminate the mental obstacles that make us feel we aren’t worthy of abundant health and well-being. “Negative thoughts that foster self-criticism, judgments, fearful reactions, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy all increase the flow of stress hormones, which decreases immune response,” says Dr. Grayson. “And if we don’t identify and clear out the barriers that are lodged in our limbic system, many of which are not conscious, then placebos, positive thoughts, exercise and taking medications and supplements may do us little good.” Discover his six questions that help you see what your barriers are; sometimes they disappear immediately and never come back, sometimes it takes practice; but with your commitment, you can create a healthy life.

Learn more about Henry Grayson: