George Collins, Breaking the Cycle of Sex Addiction


Are you finding it hard to stop obsessing about sex? Do you know someone who lives for the moments he can get on the internet and surf porn sites? Are real people getting much less interesting than your fantasies? The good news, according to George Collins, a recovering sex addict and nationally recognized expert on sex addiction, is that sex addicts can recover. The new book, written from an addict’s perspective, helps readers identify triggers and compulsive thoughts that keep them trapped in the cycle. In this candid conversation with Maryanne he offers skills to counter those thoughts instead of simply caving to them and reveals ways to break free of compulsion.

Eric Maisel, Making Your Creative Mark


Love to make inspiring art, make more money, make a difference? Throughout his distinguished career, Maisel has written more than twenty books that empower and educate artists and creative types. Here he distills his knowledge and practical wisdom from 30 years of experience into nine keys — such as Passion, Confidence, Empathy, Stress, and Relationship — that show you how to unlock your challenges, implement real and effective solutions,and make your creative mark. One of his favorite pieces of advice is, "Show up and make a big mess—only then will good things start happening!" 

Learn more about Eric Maisel:

Eric Maisel, Rethinking Depression


Are you depressed? Or simply sad? If you say "I am sad," there seems to be something for you to do; if you say "I am depressed," you fit into a nice symptom picture and can take a drug to make yourself feel "better." Dr. Maisel, author of forty books, helps us rethink depression in the light of modern psychopharmacology. He has practical tools for taking as much control as possible of our thoughts, attitudes, moods, behaviors, and orientation toward life. Tune in to shatter some of your beliefs about the necessity to take drugs to create happiness and meaning in your life.

Ellen Sussman, French Lessons


A single day in Paris changes the lives of three Americans as they each set off to explore the city with a French tutor, learning about language, love and loss. As they traverse the grand boulevards and intimate, winding streets, they uncover surprising secrets about one another—and come to understand long-buried truths about themselves. Ellen's French Lessons are fun and multidimensional! 

Learn more about Ellen Sussman:

Ellen Smoak, Breakups are a Bitch


Waking up in the night crying, can't eat, can't sleep...breakups are a bitch...but getting over them doesn't have to be! Ellen Smoak is into helping you get over your ex faster and with less pain than you ever thought possible! She has been there, and shares some of the tools she discovered to put it into perspective and mend your broken heart. Ellen helps us move from being victims to regaining our freedom and confidence. She gives us three practical exercises, and check out the free offers on her website!

Learn more about Ellen Smoak:

Ellen LaConte, Life Rules!


What if the "green" organizations are Earth's immune system? It looks like our global economy has gone viral and become the HIV of the planet, so what can we do to heal it? Nature gives us a blueprint; Ellen LaConte gives us the 10 commandments of sustainability, the support we need to take environmental power into our own hands as full, competent, loving, creative human beings.

Ellen predicts that Life will last but, if we don’t make some fundamental changes, life as we know it—and a lot of us—won’t. She identifies natural laws that have allowed non-human communities to thrive and prosper for several billion years, and gives us ways like to connect with other people and communities who are rising to the occasion!

Learn more about Ellen LaConte:

Ellen Graf, A Memoir of an Unlikely Marriage


Are you dating or married to someone of a different race? You'll love this conversation!  Ellen shares how two lonely people, American woman artist, Chinese businessman, who share neither language nor culture meet, fall in love, and decide to marry. They have in common an uncommon resilience and a willingness to “just try.” Theirs is an epic tale of a marriage fraught with culture shock and word trickery while buoyed up by the arts, martial arts, and pure perseverance.  

Whenever things appear hopeless in the couple’s quest for a survival niche, Zhong-Hua tells Ellen, “Just try, maybe work.” Somehow, it does. You'll laugh and relate and come away with new ideas.

Learn more about Ellen Graf:

Elaine Fox, Rainy Brain, Sunny Brain


What can you do at home to change your attitudes? Tune in for a tour of contemporary, cutting-edge neuroscience as Professor Fox shows the staggering amount researchers have learned about two crucial dimensions of our minds. Find out why negativity is so contagious, and learn the top 3 ways to retrain your brain for pleasure!

“Everything that makes us ourselves–memories, values, feelings, even our habits and character–are all linked with connections of neural networks within our brain,” says Elaine. “If we can change these connections, we can also change ourselves.” The implications of these new studies are enormous: lifelong pessimists can train themselves to think positively and find happiness, while pleasure seekers inclined toward risky behavior can take control of their lives. 

Learn more about Prof. Elaine Fox:

Michael Barry, The Forgiveness Project

Why don't we forgive when we know we "should"...and how can we experience the lightness of true forgiveness? Illness can eat away at us if we are already stressed out with thoughts and feelings of anger, victimhood, or revenge. Rev. Dr. Michael Barry is the Director of Pastoral Care, Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia, and in this candid interview he lays out just how we can release the healing power of forgiveness for our own healing, and everybody else's. Tune in to find out how to heal ourselves, and how forgiveness has a generational impact. We can break the family patterns! 

Learn more:

Hemant Gupta, The Power of Digital Divine


Emotional expert Hemant Gupta shares why your mind is as programmable as a digital computer, and how to rearrange and delete “files” to increase your happiness and improve every aspect of your life! If you're feeling bored and/or stressed, tune in to find out how to find the "Recycle bin" to dump unwanted emotional files, and reprogram your mind for a meaningful, joyful life! He has a great trick to eradicate stress in five minutes. 

Drunvalo Melchizedek, Mayan Ouroboros


Find your way into the secret, sacred place of the heart with Drunvalo Melchizedek as he shares insights from his latest book, The Mayan Ouroboros: The Cosmic Cycles Come Full Circle and the True Positive Mayan Prophecy is Revealed. As the Kundalini energy of the earth shifts, we can enter another level of existence. What can we do? "All the work is internal," says Drunvalo; "Great Relationships Begin Within," says Maryanne. This interview extends the invitation to change our consciousness, learning to see with our hearts. Drunvalo reveals the true positive Mayan Prophecy that the world has never heard. We have only heard the dark side of the Mayan Prophecy. Wait until you know the light side! 

Learn more:

Allan Hamilton, Zen Mind, Zen Horse: The Science and Spirituality of Working with Horses


Mindful work with horses, says neurosurgeon Allan Hamilton, can enlighten the human handler. The horse has finely honed abilities to lead, communicate, and connect not with words, but with the vital emotional energy described in the Buddhist tradition as chi. When we learn the language of chi, we become more effective as leaders, more attuned to others, and more joyful as human beings. Drawing from spiritual traditions such as Zen, Ayurveda, and Yaqui shamanism, and from the great horse cultures of the Mongolians, Bedouins, and Native Americans, Dr. Hamilton shares ways to develop right-brain awareness and quiet the left-brain dominance of our Western brains. 


Learn more about Allan Hamilton:

Doug Childers: Living Prayer


How can you turn your days into a conscious life with prayer? On Maryanne's show with David Raynal, The Power of We, writer Doug Childers tells how he has found his prayer life transforming his writing life, relationships, and more. He shares his techniques for living prayer, creating a conscious life full of productivity and joy. Learn how you can access a peaceful, reliable source of boundless creativity. 

Learn more about Doug Childers:

Dr. Diana Kirschner, Sealing the Deal: Love Mentor's Guide to Lasting Love


Do you really want lasting love with your partner? What are you willing to do to get it? Dr. Diana developed a revolutionary approach to dating and relationships that has helped thousands of women get the committed, lasting love they want. She has starred in a PBS special based on her best-selling book, Love in 90 Days; successfully hosted the “90 Day Love Challenge” on the Fox Morning Show; appeared on Oprah; and is a recurring guest on The Today Show. She shares her three reality checks to make sure this is the one, The Seven Real Laws of Attraction, The Litmus Test for Your Relationship, and more provoking questions and tips to help you set the stage for the commitment you want. We can keep sparks flying even after the “feel-good” chemicals have faded! 

Learn more about Diana Kirschner:

David Patten, Dummy, awakening from autism


A child in the 1950s, David Patten was labeled retarded, lazy, stupid; a dummy. Isolated by an autism spectrum disorder and dyslexia, David slipped into the dark underbelly of American life, spending time in a mental institution, a violent inner-city school for troubled youth, and an experimental home for schizophrenics. David and Maryanne talk about his remarkable journey from brokenness to a truly successful, awakened inspiring vision of our human potential. David says, "As it turns out, my true happiness is proportional to my yielding to the brokenness, not to my refusing to accept it or to my struggling to overcome it.” 

Learn more about David Patten:

Clay Johnson, The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption


We're wired to consume information as well as sugar, and our sweet tooth is killing us! According to the New York Times, the over-consumption of information negatively impacts us all and is “particularly powerful for young people. The risk is that developing brains can become more easily habituated than adult brains to constantly switching tasks — and less able to sustain attention.”

Healthy information consumption habits are about more than productivity and efficiency. They're about your personal health, and the health of society. Just as junk food can lead to obesity, junk information can lead to new forms of ignorance. Clay Johnson tells us how to find out only the information we really need, and how to relax into healthy, balanced knowing.

Learn more about Clay Johnson:

Prof. Dario Maestripieri, Games Primates Play


Why don't we look at other people in the elevator? How are we wired to settle fights...and how is that working for you? Join Prof. Dario Maestripieri on his Undercover Investigation of the Evolution and Economics of Human Relationships. We can learn to overcome our hardwiring as primates. He illustrates how evolutionary and comparative studies, along with economic cost-benefit analyses of behavior, can explain why people behave the way they do in everyday social situations and in the negotiation of their personal and business relationships. Understanding this, you can act with more awareness, kindness, and create real and loving relationships.

Learn more about Prof. Dario Maestripieri:

David Bedrick, Talking Back to Dr. Phil's Pop Psychology

Are you feeling that popular psychology leaves you ashamed about how ugly you are in whatever way, and ineffective at following their advice on how to change? You've tried dieting (or to overcome your anxiety or depression, or bad marriage) and still end up in the same place.

Counselor, educator, and attorney David Bedrick says there is a better way, one guided by love and deeper spiritual meaning, rather than the unconscious bias of a culture prone to normalization. Using America’s most popular therapist as a barometer of our age, Bedrick shines a light on the path of loving kindness that helps us let go of the shame we carry and learn how to treasure those things we least accept about ourselves. Move past quick-fix, pop-culture answers to psychological wounds to deep, emotional healing for you, and all of us.

Learn more about David Bedrick:

David Francis, Partners in Passion


Balance the power and multiply the passion in your man/woman relationships, as David Price Francis shares tips from his new book.  From the energies of money and dating to the energies of sex, he goes on on a fascinating journey into the realm of relationships through the worlds of energy, force and power.

Listen in as David talks about

  • How men and women are “wired for passion” and what this means.
  • The seven levels of love and sex  - what they are and how you can determine where your relationship is at.
  • A practical introduction to Energy Dating and why this is the key to more enhanced gender relationships.
  • How men and women are energetically different and what this means to you.
  • How to work with energetic gender differences to create great relationships in all areas of your life.

Learn more about David Francis: