Tamara Gerlach, Cultivating Radiance


What is the secret to being outrageously happy? Why are some people so happy that they literally shine with radiance? Tamara Gerlach discovered that all radiant people posses five elements of self-care, which begin with cultivating happiness on the inside. She shares the secrets of radiant people by exploring how our beliefs, attitudes, passion, self-care, and vision are the keys to a more radiant life. Get tips on how to develop your inner light and inspire freedom, joy, and balance in every part of your life here!

Learn more about Tamara Gerlach: www.tamaragerlach.com

Patricia Albere on Mutual Awakening: Opening into a New Paradigm of Human Relatedness


We are under a seismic shift from the focus on individual personal development in the 20th century to a growing realization of the interconnected consciousness between people. In a catastrophe we instinctively help one another, but it doesn't take a tragedy to access the state of realizing we are all one. Patricia discusses the next step in human development, a major paradigm shift that is awakening us to connection. It is the electrifying next wave in our evolution: “The 21st century finds us entering an era of unity consciousness and mutually awakening to the possibilities of connectivity," she says. Tune in to find out how to support this in your own life.

Learn more about Patricia Albere: evolutionarycollective.com


John James, the Grief Recovery Process, Part 2


John did not wake up one morning 30 years ago and say “Grief, what a concept, I think I’ll devote my life to helping people deal with it.” John was propelled into this arena by the death of a three-day-old son: the death of his father, followed by the horrors of combat in Vietnam; and then the death of his brother. John discovered a method of completing the pain of grief that turned out to be applicable to all significant emotional losses. He founded the Grief Recovery Institute, and to date more than 500,000 people have benefited directly from his discoveries. See how, here.

Susan Mayginnes interviews Maryanne on Sacred Relationship and Sex


Susan put together a telesummit on Reigniting the Sizzle, and interviewed Maryanne on sacred relationship and sacred sex. Why "sacred"? She defines this as loving and respecting yourself first, creating a relationship that is heart-based, something you will protect and defend.

Being in relationship is not as natural as wind blowing; we need to be educated, and Maryanne gives us some good tips here! If you've been relying on chemistry to choose a mate, and running into problems, tune in for ways to create healthy, fulfilling, sustainable relationships, beginning with yourself.

Warren Farrell, Why Men Are the Way They Are

Why are men the way they are? What about that would you like to change, and why? Dr. Warren Farrell joins Maryanne for a deep and funny discussion of male power, success, sex, commitment, listening, expressing feelings, and how you can clear the way for love.

Dr. Warren Farrell has been chosen by the Financial Times as one of the world’s top 100 thought leaders, and by the Center for World Spirituality (in 2011) as one of the world's spiritual leaders. His books are published in over 50 countries, and in 15 languages. They include two award-winning international best-sellers, Why Men Are The Way They Are plus The Myth of Male Power.

Learn more about Warren Farrell: warrenfarrell.com


Tony Samara, Deeper than Words


Tony Samara went from a Zen Buddhist monastery to studying with shamans in the Amazon and the Andes, and came out with a simple, practical way of living at one with nature and the world.  Tony urges people to take the simple steps to freedom.

You'll find out it is easier than most people might think to express yourself authentically, without fear, whole and complete in the field of love. Come out of the facades of mind, ego, and emotions into deeper wisdom; Maryanne and Tony range from "what is enlightenment" to sacred sexuality! 

Thomas Poppe, Unlocking Your Birthday Code


Thomas Poppe reveals the ancient knowledge passed down secretly for centuries by his wife Johanna’s grandfather and family of Tyrolean farmers. By interpreting the cycles of the moon and the energy of corresponding colors, her family knew what day to plant crops, pick healing herbs, see a doctor, cut their hair and nails, and more.

The Code represents a divination system that goes beyond astrology or numerology and millions of Europeans have already incorporated it in their personal lives. They have sold more than 14 million books in German, as well as millions more in 24 other languages. Find out what your personal birthday code is!

Learn more about Thomas Poppe: www.birthdaycode.com

Mary O'Malley on What's in the Way is the Way: Moving Beyond Your Struggle into the Joy of Being Fully Alive


What would your life be like if you truly trusted yourself and your life – all of it? If your challenges, rather than being endless problems to be solved, became doorways into the healing you long for? If you discovered that the peace you long for is always with you right here, right now? Join Mary O'Malley as she helps us look at what's in the way, find the treasure inside the struggle, and journey into the joy of being fully alive.

Learn more about Mary O'Malley: www.whatsinthewayistheway.com or www.maryomalley.com

Lee McCormick, Spirit Recovery Medicine Bag


Life seem empty? Feeling lonely, lost, “less-than,” struggling with addiction? It’s often because our spirit has become squashed. We’ve disconnected or shut ourselves down. Yet we can go from living hell to living our version of paradise when we release our spirit from bondage. Lee made the journey from addiction to happiness, and shows us how to get on the train. Join us for a medicine bag of exercises and practices that help us search for our own answers to the age-old question, “Is this all there is?” 

Learn more about Lee McCormick: http://spiritrecovery.com/

Arjuna Ardagh, Living Awakening


On Maryanne and David's show "The Power of We," Arjuna Ardagh (bestselling author of The Translucent Revolution) shares the tools you need to live in this time of change, in a state of inner freedom, so that you can discover the gifts you were born to give and deliver them fearlessly to the world. He offers simple, concrete strategies for cultivating a translucent way of life. Here's a blueprint for positive change and an optimistic perspective on these uncertain times.

Learn more about Arjuna Ardagh: arjunaardagh.wordpress.com

Sondra Wright, 40 Plus and Fabulous!


Grow old gracefully? No way! Sondra Wright has coined a new definition for the way in which women age; fierce, focused and full of life! Today's boomer women have reshaped what it means to grow older and have given aging a whole new look. Wright tells stories from her book, 40+ and Fabulous, of women over forty and their personal journeys of self-discovery, of challenging ideas and reinventing lifestyles.

There is one central theme: at 40+ women truly come into their own in bold and exciting ways. Whether it's wisdom or hot flashes, women are saucier and more outspoken than ever before. Also included is the male's perspective on women over forty. Just wait until you discover what men of all ages find most irresistible about women in their forties and beyond. Get ready to completely reshape your perspective on aging!

Learn more about Sondra Wright: www.fortyplusandfabulous.com

Michael Modzelewski: What do women really want...and what do men want from women?


Michael's time in the Alaskan wilderness challenged him with wild bears and living on the edge of survival. He returned from the wilds to find himself suddenly famous, a Cosmo Bachelor of the Month with women clamoring after him. Nothing prepared him for many men's fantasy; 5,000 women around the world sending him inviting letters, pictures, underwear.

Setting out to solve the mystery of what women really want, he was led on a journey of discovery unlike anything encountered in the wild. He found his connection with his inner feminine, met the love of his life, and lets us in on how to create a life of power and passion. He shares his journey into the wilds of the feminine psyche...a rare glimpse into the heart of a man's man.

Learn more about Michael Modzelewski: michaelmodzelewski.com


Elizabeth Baker, Gifts of Gratitude: The Joyful Adventures of a Life Well Lived


Baker’s life has been filled with mystifying, mystical aspects: death, near-death, near-misses, just-right timing. At times tender and dramatic, always moving, outside the box, in search of veracity. Throughout her journey, mentored by mystical teachers, great scientists, spiritual leaders, and even celebrities, Elizabeth has traveled as a beacon on the path. Join us for ways to your own gift of a heart open to Spirit and renewed by life.

Learn more about Elizabeth Baker: bakertruestories.com

Sheryl Glick, The Living Spirit: Answers for Healing and Infinite Love


Who doesn't want that? “What we need is to open our hearts and our minds to the universal force that is infinite love,” says Sheryl Glick, energy healer, spiritual medium and author who joins Maryanne today. It is her belief that we are guided by our “loved ones in spirit,” who send us messages to help us achieve our highest human potential. Understanding the spiritual truth that we are not alone allows us to expand beyond our fears and limitations to create a wonderful life. Find out how, here. 

Learn more about Sheryl Glick: www.sherylglick.com

Sherry Ruth Anderson on Ripening Time: Aging with Grace


What do you expect as you age? What can you offer the world? What do you have to let go of? Join Maryanne and Sherry Ruth Anderson to engage the aging process through the art of inner inquiry. Go beyond our culture's mind traps through stories where elders face into the lies, the losses and endings, the tender and bittersweet and ferocious truths of growing old...the genuine grace and gift of human ripening.

Learn more about Sherry Ruth Anderson: sherryruthanderson.com

Mary Lane & Michael Samuels on Healing with the Arts: a 12-week program to heal yourself & your community


Dr. Lane painted her way to healing from depression; Dr. Samuels guided a patient to healing her arthritis via painting. They both join Maryanne to share the insights and programs they have developed to heal themselves and their patients through visual arts, dance, and music along with spiritual practices and guided imagery. Explore how healing through art can ease your suffering, soothe your anxiety, address your trauma, and transform your community.

Learn more about Dr. Land and Dr. Samuels: www.healingwiththearts.com     www.maryrockwoodlane.com/    www.michaelsamuels.com

Matthew Fox on Meister Eckhart: A Mystic Warrior for Our Times


What can a 13th-Century religious maverick’s ideas teach us? Matthew Fox, a maverick himself, says that Eckhart helps carry us to a new level of evolution, a deeper expression of what it means to be human. He asks that we live in depth, whether we talk about religion, education, economics, or ecology. Tune in to taste the heart of his teachings, taking us away from sterile and external religion to a deep spirituality that fills our conscience and consciousness.

Learn more about Matthew Fox: www.matthewfox.org

Janet Attwood on Your Hidden Riches: Unleashing the Power of Ritual to Create a Life of Meaning and Purpose


Throughout history, around the world, we have used rituals to connect our own individual life cycles with Nature’s rhythms. Janet Bray Attwood makes ancient practices easily available, no matter how busy you are. Learn how to tap into the power of conscious, intentional rituals to achieve peak performance, stay calm under pressure, and balance work/family, rest/activity,  to create a comfortable, rhythmic life.

Learn more about Janet Attwood: www.thehiddenriches.com    www.thepassiontest.com also part of www.mentorschannel.com