Rick Hanson on Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence

Grounded in brain science, psychology, and contemplative wisdom, neuropsychologist Rick shows us how to build a better brain from the inside out, using the hidden power of seemingly ordinary experiences. By taking just a few extra seconds to stay with a positive experience - from the pleasure of a deep breath to a sense of calm, satisfaction, and love - you can turn good moments into a great brain, full of strength, health, and happiness. Bonus: here they are on video!

Learn more about Rick Hanson: www.RickHanson.net

Edward Slingerland on Trying not to Try: The Art and Science of Spontaneity


How do you try not to try?  Canadian Research Chair in Chinese Thought and Embodied Cognition, (with a great sense of humor), Edward lays out practical, applicable strategies from some of the most famous ancient Chinese thinkers to help you achieve spontaneity, and what modern science has to say about each one.  Using the principle of wu-wei we can get out of our own way and live happier, more authentic lives. Here they are on video:

Learn more about Edward Slingerland: eslingerland.arts.ubc.ca

Sam Bennett, Get It Done: From Procrastination to Creative Genius in 15 Minutes a Day


Know what you need to do…but just can’t seem to make yourself do it? In touch with your inner artist, but no clue how to turn it into money? Understanding, relentlessly practical, laugh-out-loud funny, Sam helps you prioritize, create a project plan, follow through, and quit being so hard on yourself. 

Learn more about Sam Bennett: TheOrganizedArtistCompany.com


Amelia Kemp's 8 Steps to Well-Being: from psychotherapy to Sacretherapy


Amelia believes the details of our lives are of a sacred matter that manifests into distress or well-being.  Amelia shares ways you can release the toxic conditioning, beliefs and self-fulfilling prophecies that interfere with living the life you came forth to live.  Even if you've been diagnosed with mental health issues, you can triumph. You're not sick—you're sacred, and the well-being and joy you seek is still achievable! 

Learn more about Amelia Kemp: DrAmeliaKemp.com

Kristine Carlson, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms

Feeling out of control with your kids? Kristine Carlson, carrying on the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series she started with her husband, Richard, tells us how to be a wise mom, using her own hilarious experiences. Can you be friends with your kids? Kristine Carlson says, "No, your job is to lead them, guide them, and teach them." Easy to say... Tune in to find out how to get past your own explosive reactions to being a responsive presence, how to blend families, and more! 

Learn more about Kristine Carlson: kristinecarlson.com

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, Brain Extravaganza!


How can we create a healthy relationship with our own brain? How can we evolve our brains to shift the way we live and save ourselves and the planet? Dr. Jill, who has spent the last 8 years recovering from her personal "Stroke of Insight," lets us in on what she's learned in her "Brain Extravaganza." Our moods are delicious, and they love to run; they're so strong, we don't realize how much control we have over them.

Dr. Jill goes over her magical 90-second rule for working with your own brain's neuro-circuits to change your mood. Another hint: to convince your rational left brain, give it facts; to empower the intuitive right side of the brain, notice how you already are doing it right. Tune in for more fascinating facts from the woman who has rebuilt her brain herself (with lots of help). 

Learn more about Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor: drjilltaylor.com     mystrokeofinsight.com   app at www.jbtbrains.org

Janet Conner, The Lotus and the Lily: Access the Wisdom of Buddha and Jesus to Nourish Your Beautiful, Abundant Life


Bestselling author Janet Conner cracks the abundance code by linking the wisdom of the inner voice with the surprising parallel teachings of Buddha and Jesus. In a profound yet simple 30-day program, Janet sheds radical new light on the “Great Paradox of Prosperity” ... you'll learn how to hear the spiritual masters with fresh ears, explore the deep intelligence of your own soul, create brand new prosperity practices, and integrate those practices into your daily life. Find out how beautiful, precious, and holy life can be!

Learn more about Janet Conner: janetconner.com

Simone Wright on First Intelligence: Using the Science and Spirit of Intuition


How can you develop your intuition into a reliable skill? Simone Wright discusses the biological foundation of intuition; outlines its four levels; introduces the language of intuition; and gives you the practical tools you need to put your intuition to work in your daily life. Learn seven steps for accessing your highest wisdom! 

Learn more about Simone Wright: www.simonewright.com

David Christopher, on The Holy Universe


Spiritual but not religious? David Christopher gives us a new gospel for a world that needs hope and a new vision. He synthesizes modern and ancient wisdom, innovation and science, shedding light on the creative third options that emerge when polarities or opposites are brought together to create a greater whole. Make sense of the profound crisis of our times and rediscover your creativity! 

Learn more about David Christopher: theholyuniverse.com

Maezen Miller: Paradise in Plain Sight, Lessons from a Zen Garden


Resentful, unappreciative of the ancient garden she inherited, time after time Zen priest Maezen realized that everything she wanted or needed — the living truth of life, love, beauty, purpose, and peace — was taught to her by the patch of patient earth beneath her feet. Pragmatic and personal, grounded in the simple truths of the natural world, Maezen speaks directly to the anxious ills that far too often overwhelm. Listen for a face-to-face encounter, the living transmission of Zen. 

Learn more about Maezen Miller: www.karenmaezenmiller.com

Meadow Linn, The Mystic Cookbook


Do you want to nourish the spirit, as well as the body? Inspire love and romance? Denise and Meadow Linn open a portal for you to harness the hidden dimension of food. You'll learn how to infuse purpose and intention into cuisine, how to invoke the secret alchemical power of a spice, and ways to combine ingredients for specific results. Tap into your intuition and learn to cook flavorful, healthy meals, while welcoming magic and mystery into your kitchen. Yummy!! 

Susan Shumsky: The Power of Chakras


Delving into ancient Tantric and Vedic literature and other sources to uncover the invaluable mysteries of the ages, Susan unveils previously undiscovered truths and guidance. Focusing on the human energy field, she presents well‐founded new information about the seven chakras and seven sub‐chakras. Watch and listen to discover the subtle body and energy field; learn how prana functions in body, mind, and spirit; learn about the details and influence of the chakra system; and heal blockages and maintain health. 

Learn more about Susan Shumsky: www.drsusan.org

Sydney Ross Singer: Dressed to Kill, the link between breast cancer and bras


The bra/breast cancer connection is a thing of myth, according to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the American Cancer Society. But at least five research studies have shown that there IS a strong connection between breast cancer and bra wearing for many hours per day. The problem with bras, according to medical anthropologists Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer, is that they restrict the flow of lymphatic fluid, thereby retaining toxins in the breast that have nowhere to go. Listen to a freewheeling discussion of how our culture keeps breasts caged.

Learn more about Sydney Ross Singer: www.killerculture.com

Sydney Ross Singer, Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Wearing a Bra

Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer are a husband-and-wife team who describe themselves as pioneers in "applied medical anthropology." Sydney has a bachelor's degree in biology from the University of Utah, PhD training in biochemistry at Duke University, and graduated w/master's degree in anthropology. He and Soma are founders and co-directors of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease (ISCD), Hawaii, and co-founders of the Lifestyle Foundation & Nature Preserve, a 67-acre nature preserve in Hawaii, “Thoreauvia.” Their book is Dressed to Kill, exploring the link between breast cancer and wearing a bra. [playlist ids="1206"]

Jennifer Louden: Life Organizer, a Woman's Guide to a Mindful Year

Want to be more organized, can't seem to get there? Jennifer Louden brings an intuitive, more feminine, heart-based approach to life planning. Linear, masculine planning only takes you so far; listen in to hear how to embrace change, and true stories of women who have used Life Organizing to improve their lives and find their soul’s purpose.  Jennifer's five unique steps help you live effectively...from your heart. Here they are on video:



Wendy Aronsson: Refeathering the Empty Nest

Free-range parent, looking around at your clean, neat, empty house and wondering, "What now?"

Wendy Aronsson focuses on “The Shift,” a phase that represents a profound change from the daily rigors of constant parenting to a period of self-reflection and reorientation. She uses real-life stories to show how people have managed these changes, how they’ve reignited the passion in their marriages – or in some cases moved on from bad relationships – and rediscovered old talents and interests. Tune in for hope and guidance, whether your nest is about to be empty, or your baby birds have already taken flight. 

Learn more about Wendy Aronsson: http://www.wendyaronssonlcsw.com/

Betsy Chasse: Tipping Sacred Cows: The uplifting story of spilt milk, spirituality and finding your way in a hectic world

Calling all spiritual flailers, wandering, lost along the path to enlightenment. Ok, you’ve meditated, you’ve fasted, you may have even shaved your head, or maybe you haven’t done any of those things but are considering it — don’t, until you listen to this interview. Betsy Chasse is here to give you a loving tip in the right direction (or whatever direction you want to go — don’t worry, it’s the right one). It’s time to tip some sacred cows about what we think we know about spirituality, reality, & ourselves. It’s time to get liberated from the fences we’ve put up and frolic once again through the pasture of life, realizing that stepping in cow shit is not always a bad thing. That happiness is not a destination but a state of mind and you’re already there if you’re willing to just do a little work to uncover your true bliss, your happy mojo, that creamy cream that exists in the middle of you!

Learn more: betsychasse.net

Eric Maisel: Why Smart People Hurt : A Guide for the Bright, the Sensitive, and the Creative

The challenges smart and creative people--from scientific researchers, genius award winners, to bestselling novelists, Broadway actors, high-powered attorneys, and academics--encounter often include anxiety, over-thinking, mania, sadness, and despair. Here, psychologist Dr. Eric Maisel draws on his many years of work with the best and the brightest to pinpoint these often devastating challenges and offer solutions based on the groundbreaking principles and practices of natural psychology. Tune in for ways to create your own roadmap to a calm and meaningful life. Here they are on video: