
Holly Parker: If We’re Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone?

Holly Parker

Holly Parker

Living together, but your partner is emotionally absent; they are caught up in acting like a Critic, a Sponge, an Iceberg, an Emotional Silencer, a Defender? Constantly combating outright hostility or overcoming subtle distance can leave you with the sense that the give-and-take in your relationship has disappeared.

Harvard University clinical psychologist Dr. Holly Parker rescues us from the desperate, hopeless feelings that have come to define our relationship and life. She has developed a program filled with practical exercises and powerful advice for individuals on both sides of an emotionally damaged relationship. She talks about how to create healthy emotional connections and boost physical intimacy, how to eliminate habits that trigger self-sabotaging behavior, and more.

With patience, empathy, and willpower, Dr. Parker’s program can help you restore balance and peace of mind, and turn your damaged partnership back into a rewarding and joyful bond. 

If We’re Together, Why Do I Feel So Alone?
Holly Parker

Learn more about Holly Parker:

Karen Tate, Goddess 2.0: Advancing A New Path Forward


Sometimes it seems like domination and authoritarian patriarchy are everywhere.

The Sacred Feminine is returning from exile, as people from all walks of life and cultures turn to Goddess, deity, archetype and ideal, to evolve from the malignant chaos we face today. They're listening to their consciences, heart wisdom, and intuition to manifest a new normal. They're practicing partnership, generosity, and compassion to establish a new way of being. They're tapping into their empathy and morality as they hit the reset button.

Share the wisdom and activism of these spiritual, cultural and political leaders, old and new, male and female, inspiring the birth of a new world...a time of security, peace, joy, equality, and prosperity for all.

Goddess 2.0: Advancing A New Path Forward
Karen Tate

Learn more about Karen Tate: