Healing trauma

Love has taken on a whole new meaning around the planet. It’s as though we have been plunged into a hero's journey, plagued with anxiety and fear, forced to find hope and faith inside ourselves, like few other times on the planet. We have all needed to find ways to cope with this radically changing time around the world. Some of us have thrown ourselves into service, others into distraction, others have found our way into addiction and beyond.

To help us better understand our ability to cope with this global pandemic David and I invited Dr. Claudia Herbert, author of the chapter Calatonia and Subtle Touch in the Healing of Trauma in Dr. Sandor’s book Calatonia: A Therapeutic Approach that Promotes Somatic and Psychological Regulation. Dr. Herbert has extensive training in large-scale disasters and healing trauma. She talks about preventing and addressing the trauma people are experiencing, and how we can reconnect afterwards. 

Healing Trauma
Maryanne Comaroto