Gloria Kaye, Healer's Hands, Healer's Heart


Wounds heal up overnight. Arthritis, bone abnormalities, and bone spurs dissipate. Chronic back pain evaporates. Professional athletes see instant recovery from injuries. Not soap opera miracles, but actual healings from the hands of Dr. Gloria Kaye, a highly regarded psychotherapist, yoga therapy pioneer, hands-on healer and UCLA Medical School lecturer on Healing Touch.

She shares in-depth insights, practical techniques and inspiring stories of success with non-traditional healing...and she believes that everyone has the power to heal, and will start you on the path to opening your own healing channel!

Learn more about Gloria Kaye:

Tobin Blake, Everyday Meditation


We all know that meditation helps to lower stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and can even prevent disease. So why is it so challenging to begin and sustain everyday meditation?

Tobin Blake created a complete and detailed course on meditative practice. He shares how to reprogram your inner dialogue, overcome anxiety, heal depression, cultivate spiritual relationships, and stop battling your inner dialogue in order to discover your true Self. You can live awakened, with purpose and joy.

Learn more about Tobin Blake:

Debra Schildhouse, Bio Touch: Healing with the Power in Our Fingertips


Touch can feel wonderful...and it can be healing. Debra Schildhouse shares a simple, gentle, loving touch technique using just two fingers from each hand that changed her life. She’ll tell the story of Paul Bucky, whose recovery from a severe backache inspired the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics that has healed thousands of people without charging a dime. You’ll hear stories of results that were called “miraculous” and open the window to your own healing. 

Learn more about Debra Schildhouse: and

SARK, Succulent Wild Love: Six Powerful Habits for Feeling More Love More Often


Want to love and be loved more? SARK, Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, and her beloved, Dr. John Waddell, share how to remove the barriers to experiencing unconditional, succulent, wild love.

"Few of us have learned how to do this on a consistent basis,” they say. “Most of us have been told that the uninhibited joy and unconditional love we feel at the start of a relationship will inevitably fade. After practicing the six habits in this book, you will know that doesn’t have to be so.”

Listen in for ways to take your relationships with the most significant people in your life from "I love you anyway" to simply "I love you" — releasing tension and fear and getting the support and affection you want. 

Learn more about SARK:

Barbara Marx Hubbard, Keeping the Promise: Evolutionary Cocreation


Jesus promised, “You will do the works that I did and greater works will you do in the fullness of time.” This "fullness” has now come.

Barbara has an evolutionary perspective on Christ consciousness, seeing in Christ an archetype for humanity’s current journey from egocentric, to the cocreation of ego freedom. She reveals how the Gospels and Jesus’ teachings are offering to our society new solutions to the impending dangers and challenges of our century. and we can achieve the Christ state as individuals, as part of the human race and as saviors of the Earth. 

She states: “All people are born creative, endowed by our Creator with the inalienable right and responsibility to realize our creativity for the good of ourselves and the world.” Listen in and get in touch with your own creativity and power! 

Learn more about Barbara Marx Hubbard: and


Alex Bratty: Stuck? Move from chaos to clarity


Feeling stuck? We all know that feeling of not knowing what to do next, or how to break out of the same old patterns of behavior, or listening to all that negative chatter that tells us we’re not enough.

As Alex puts it, when this happens, we keep ourselves running in place, playing small and safe. Alex gives you the step-by-step tools to take back control of your life, to stop struggling and to focus on how to create a life you truly want, rather than one you think you should want. Moved from a life that feels unfulfilled, constricted, and frustrated to one that is expansive and filled with love, abundance, and joy. 

Learn more about Alex Bratty:

Holley Kelley, Sunrises and Sunsets: Death Planning


Why leave it to others to decide how to celebrate your life, make vital life-and-death decisions, and pass along your inheritance (financial and cultural), when you can leave them a roadmap to what you truly desire?

Kelley takes us on a a deep-dive into planning what legacy we are leaving behind, how we want to convey it and how we want to enjoy the time left to us-without the worry of unfinished business. It's a unique and innovative twist on final-affairs planning from a delightful and FUNctional perspective. She takes you on an expedition of personal exploration and considerations as she ushers you step-by-step to completing your advance-care planning and personal initiatives.

And this is not just about planning for your death. It is about new beginnings and newfound perspectives about living. It is about taking care of necessary personal business in a pro-active and responsible manner that allows for incredible peace and freedom in the present.  You can plan for the Sunset, while enjoying every Sunrise, with fresh outlooks and appreciation!

Learn more about Holley Kelley: