Laurie Watson : Wanting Sex Again - How to Rediscover your Desire and Heal a Sexless Marriage


Feel like sex just isn’t worth the effort? You’re not alone. Forty million American women are frustrated by their lack of sexual passion. They know something’s missing—and their husbands know it, too—but the emotional, physical, and mental obstacles to healthy desire can be a knot that seems too tangled to unravel.

Laurie Watson, author of Wanting Sex Again - How to Rediscover your Desire and Heal a Sexless Marriage, joins Maryanne to show how to restore the thrill of sex, using proven psychological methods and personal accounts from 20 years of clinical therapy sessions!

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Amy Edelstein, Love, Marriage, and Evolution

You've got a good marriage...but it feels like something's missing. Tune in for developmental pioneer Amy Edelstein's advice on how to experience the love, intimacy, and shared purpose that can bring joy and vitality into your life!  She's a seasoned guide to making intimate relationships between good people who love each other work. She's got a new view on common themes including Expectations, Love, Trust, Shared Agreements, Balance, Fulfillment, Home, and Signs of Success. A much-needed support for joy-filled and purposeful relationships. 

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Lorna Byrne: Glimpses of heaven near death


Lorna has seen and talked to angels since she was a baby and sees them every day, physically, just as she would see a person. She kept quiet about what she was seeing and hearing until three years ago; now she’s an international bestselling author, with Angels in my Hair, Stairways to Heaven, and A Message of Hope from the Angels. This interview focuses on her two graphic near-death experiences. “I know that I and others have been given near-death experiences so as we can share them and make people understand that death is not to be feared and that Heaven is real.” 

According to Lorna, “These days I see a lot of angels holding lights in front of people, helping to encourage them. I see angels helping to kindle hope in us all the time – at an individual, a community, a national and a global level. These are difficult and challenging times but I see so much to be hopeful about.” She also shares how we can get guidance from our own personal angels.

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Uri Geller : Develop your inner knowing


Yes, he's the guy who bends spoons with his mind, but there must be more to him than that, or a significant figure in Malaysia wouldn't have asked him to help locate the missing jetliner!

Find out what he thinks happened to the plane, how he feels when doing a remote viewing, how you can develop your psychic powers, and perhaps even how you can tap into the soul of the world. Motivational, inspirational, always surprising, Uri and Maryanne are at your service!

Eve Hogan, The Eros Equation: the soul-ution to the relationship problem


The Eros Equation: The Soul-ution to the Relationship Problem outlines a unique approach to creating happy and long-lasting relationships. Rather than focusing on the other person or situations over which the reader has no control, author Eve Hogan offers us a tool to discover new and creative responses to the situation.

This is challenging but also empowering. The rewards are a greater ability to resolve issues, deeper self-knowledge, and more intimacy and harmony in the relationship!

Deva Premal & Miten : Creating Intimacy Through Music


Self-conscious when you sing? Two of the world's most beloved mantra singers inspire you to open your voice in joy and sing from your heart. Mantras are ancient syllables that create healing and cleansing vibrations, bringing you back to your heart in loving connection. Millions of people have bought their CDs, joined their Mantra Meditations and Satsang Circles, and sung with them around the world...join them for a spontaneous conversation, and perhaps a bit of song!

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Stewart Emery & Mabel Katz: Renew yourself & your community


Feel like it's all the same old, same old? Mabel Katz, Ho'oponopono authority, and Stewart Emery, a force in the human potential industry since the 1970s, join Maryanne to discuss the tools you need to get unstuck and renew yourself and your community. Stewart Emery has been part of the human potential movement for over 4 decades; find out what seems clearer to him now, what moves and inspires him, and what he's involved in now. Using Ho’oponopono’s foundation principles of forgiveness and gratitude, Mabel focuses on practical ways for reaching Zero Frequency, a state where we are free of restrictive memories and limiting self-talk. In the clarity of Zero, outstanding solutions become apparent and you can make excellent choices.

Margaret Klaw : Keeping it Civil


The Case of the Pre-Nup and the Porsche & Other True Accounts from the Files of a Family Lawyer! Margaret Klaw takes you through divorce, custody, adoption, reproductive technology, marriage equality, and domestic violence.

It's a rare inside look at how a lawyer negotiates with opposing counsel, prepares witnesses for testimony, presents arguments to the judge, and handles clients. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the way cultural attitudes about sex, money, women, and relationships influence the law—and vice versa.

Mayuri Onerheim : Money, Spirituality, Consciousness


What’s your relationship with money? Make it big and healthy...create a new money consciousness! How to dissolve the age-old split between money and spirit that is keeping you from living your life fully? How do you master the mechanics of responsible financial stewardship as you embrace the world of money as a spiritual practice? Enrolled Agent, accountant, and teacher of the Diamond Approach, Mayuri answers your questions and gives you the questions you need to ask yourself to create a healthy relationship with money.

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